Isnin, 17 Januari 2011

:) hepy2x

whoaa ! hepy lha gelaa !! kikiki :) hepy2x ! 
byak sbb yunk buadd aq hepy aww ..
first , our relationship da oke smulaa , da bek2x , no sad2x
second , aq dikekalkan as prefect SMK Kota Masai
third , prefect tuka baju wane peach ! 

tu jea kudd .. kirenyee byak ahh ugak kann
hope ke'hepy'an aq neyy long-lasting lha kann
Alhamdulillah , rupe2x nyee pelangi itu maseh ad utk 
kami berdue , thanks to Allah 
yeah ! kturg da oke , so hepy lha kann
cume , ta bole always contact lurhh ,, 
mseng2x bzy gelaa ,, especially dea lha ,, so
aq ta mahuu ganggu meyhh ,, lao na text ,, 
dea mule un dulu ,, itu syarat nyee ,, hha
3 4 hary bru bole contact , adoyaii ,, tape lha
prjalanan maseh pnjg .. ehehe ,, 
sian gelaa2x at dea ,, hishh ,, always nantok at skul
cmne neyy waq .. umweks awq byak gelaa ! na buadd cmne
sye na tulun da ta bole
lao dulu bole gakk awq copy en paste dri bku sye or mber2x awq
tpy skang ta bole meyhh ,, awq tade bestie agy at sanee
lao pnjam kang kate ape plopt kann
sian lurhh awq . balex skul da lah late
umweks gelaa punyee byak , hishh
tape cekgu2x at sanee na awq pndai 
dats y byak umweks ..tape lha berkorban cked keyhh syg ?
i knuw u can ,, cuz sye salu ad d sisi awq
insya Allah .. SETIA PADA YANK SATO ! 
sye rindu gelaa at awq
sye cinta awq sesanadd , ketadd2x ouh
hmm . byle na jmpe neyy ??
ad kea qte mase na meet waq ??
aww ~ aww .. lurf3x .. 
lurf kamuu smpai mati !
awq kate sye ta pndai eja LOVE
awq kate sye kne blajaa balex
hhu ,, itu shortform sye lha .. 
suke aty lha na tles lurf kea lorve kea love kea
meaning dea samee lha syg .. 


lots of love : ur lurf , alynn

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